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Image of Jethro Civil Diplomat Badge Europe

Europe: the Deliberation Council of Jethro Civil Diplomat Approves the New Badge for Humanitarian Purposes


The new badge from Jethro carries the words CIVIL DIPLOMAT on the top and as the first piece of information.

As a result, the new badge facilitates the fast identification of Jethro Civil Diplomats in Europe during their trips and humanitarian missions.

According to the Board, this change is a result of demands by European Agencies, International Security Forces, UK Agencies, and Humanitarian Organizations.

However, the new Badge is available only for Jethro Civil Diplomats in Europe.


The Benefits of the Credentials and Badges from Jethro Civil Diplomat in Europe


Image of Jethro Civil Diplomat Badge Europe


All Humanitarian Civil Diplomats Jethro have a CREDENTIAL or ID – CARD AND BADGE – which gives them the legal right of free access to locations, regions, or establishments according to international conventions and laws.

Despite not being entitled to Diplomatic Immunity, the Civil Diplomats from Jethro have the guarantee of their rights in more than 190 countries:

Access or Laissez-passer:

French expression that means “let it pass” is a  travel document issued by the government of a State or by an international organization.

In 2023, Jethro Civil Diplomat conquers the right to the new credentials and badges for laissez-passers in Europe.

The new European badge does not invalidate the credentials and badges that Europeans Civil Diplomats from Jethro already have.

Recognition by Authorities:

Through legal accreditation, the Humanitarian Civil Diplomat has legitimacy and LEGAL AUTHORITY which gives him access and fluidity.

Therefore, the role of Humanitarian Civil Diplomats is relating to authorities to mediate the dialogue between the interests of society and government and public security bodies.

Humanitarian Activities:

The UN Secretary-General, in section 9.4/1999, allowed Civil Diplomats to act during their missions.

Because of this, the Humanitarian Civil Diplomat Jethro can act on all continents, mediating conflicts, and presenting proposals regarding the interests of citizens.

Not to mention the relationship with the State, Government, security forces, and private entities.

Want to know more about the benefits of having Jethro Civl Diplomat credentials and badge, connect with us!

Communication Civil Diplomat Jethro

Jethro International’s Communication Department selects the most relevant information about the actions of humanitarian civilian diplomats around the world. Stay up to date, follow and share your actions with us! Get in touch via

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