Launch Event Caminho dos Sentimentos a poetry work at Casino Estoril in Portugal.
At the largest casino in Europe, the launch event of the literary work Path of Feelings – Caminho dos Sentimentos (in Portuguese) – authored by Colonel and Civil Diplomat Dr. Agostinho Lopes. The work had a preface written by the President and CEO of Jethro International.
Agostinho Lopes immortalizes, in an intimate contrast, the deepest feelings of life: friendship, pain, compassion, doubt, loneliness, joy, sadness, jealousy, passion, love, love and love. It connects life with the sea, sky, sun and moonlight. The art of dreaming by Agostinho Lopes, added to his natural ability to play with words, manages to enchant us to such an extent that we almost feel invited to enter his soul as real protagonists. The scene is alive and looks real. Having crossed and lived with the artistic and cultural environment in more than fifty countries, I realized and consider that all this work is unique, but there are those that are more unique, and this book is worthy of that epithet. (From the preface by Renato Freire).
The event at the Casino Estoril was attended by the European Director of Civil Diplomacy Jethro Dr. Bruno Costa, that on the occasion delivered the Humanitarian Social Responsibility Seal to the author and to the president of the Monocromia Publishing House. The editors allocated a percentage of financial resources from the book’s sales to humanitarian aid for Ukrainians.
Photos by Antônio Costa
Boa noite a equipe Jethro Civil de Diplomacia Civil é com muito carinho que venho agradecer a toda equipe de excelência por me inserirem neste âmbito de grandes qualificação mundial.Eu louvo a Jesus por esta oportunidade de liderar também como ministro do evangelho. É necessário sonhar com grandeza mas com os pés no chão, dentro das funções que hora iniciaram. Espero poder usar minhas formações em Psicologia e Líder Couching ,afim de criar projetos sócias trazendo melhorias dentro dessa cultura,e representando a Jethro como um Diplomata Civil.
É um prazer imensa fazer parte desta grande família