Venuste Nshimiyimana Has the Ability to Lead, Inspire, and Support Others in a Diplomacy of Influence
UK: Civil Diplomat Jethro and Journalist Venuste Nshimiyimana from BBC London.
Venuste Nshimiyimana is a multi-lingual Senior Journalist (he speaks more than 6 languages) with 20 years of experience at the BBC London and Voice of America.
Covering Politics, Business, International, Minorities( Asian, Black), African and global stories.
Venuste Nshimiyimana is a Rwandan-born Belgian journalist and the presenter of the daily One o’Clock News for the Great Lakes Region.
He is a former presenter for the BBC TV Bulletin (BBC Info) and the weekly news roundup for BBC.
As a senior team manager, he was editorially responsible for BBC Afrique TV output.
As a Civil Diplomat and Journalist Venuste Nshimiyimana have a track record of hard work and commitment
Civil Diplomat Jethro Venuste Has Established Himself as an Assertive International Broadcaster
His languages have been useful to his career as a Journalist.
Because of that, Venuste was sent to Iraq when war broke out there to report in English for the BBC’s English-language TV Programmes, in French for BBC Afrique, in Kiswahili for BBC Swahili, and in Kinyarwanda for BBC Great Lakes.
He also speaks Flemish, having lived in Belgium, and Mashi, having lived in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
As well as a manager of diverse teams across the BBC Africa department as Editor, Planning Editor, and Europe Correspondent for Voice of America-VOA London News Centre.
Over the years, Venuste has demonstrated an ability to lead, inspire, and support others to help cultivate an effective and efficient work environment.
Civil Diplomat Jethro and Journalist Venuste Nshimiyimana’s Life Story
Nshimiyimana was born in 1973 in Gishamvu sector of Nyumba district in the Southern Province of Rwanda and attended Nyumba Primary School and The Nyakibanda Major Seminary.
A graduate of The Open University, where he received a Master’s degree in Social Sciences.
And also attended Anglia Ruskin University from 2016–2017, receiving a postgraduate diploma in Marketing and Studied International Humanitarian Law at the London School of Economics.
In April 1994, Nshimiyimana was living in the capital city of Kigali when the Rwandan genocide began.
Hoping to escape the massacre, he took refuge in the compound of the school Ecole Technique Officielle Don Bosco.
He witnessed how the UN peacekeepers, made up of Belgian, French, and Italian soldiers, abandoned all the refugees except those with foreign nationalities.
Journalist Venuste Nshimiyimana and the Diplomacy of Influence
With his book Prelude du Genocide Rwandais: enquête sur les circonstances politiques et militaires du meurtre du Président Habyarimana, Nshimiyimana became the first writer to establish a relation between the assassination of President Habyarimana and the 1994 genocide against Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
The book aimed to describe the political environment immediately before the genocide.
Nshimiyimana was among 40 participants at the International Decision-Making in the Age of Genocide: Rwanda 1990-1994 Conference in The Hague in 2014.
The conference focused on the breakdown in the Arusha Accords (1993) and the failure of the international community to either prevent the genocide or protect hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
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