Find out how Jethro International’s Humanitarian Civil Diplomacy is crucial in facing current global conflicts.
All concepts arise in a historical context that changes over time.
Therefore, it is incoherent to think that any scientist or philosopher is responsible for creating a concept since it comes from the empirical observation of contemporary practices.
This is the case of Civil Diplomacy, a practice that we can observe today.
Civil Diplomacy: What is it?
Civil Diplomacy refers to the humanitarian activity of civilians amid the demands of today’s society and also in the face of current world conflicts.
The Jethro Civil Diplomat.Org has been preparing Humanitarian Civilian Diplomats for over 20 years in over 100 countries.
Transforming reality for the better and meeting socio-humanitarian demands: this is the priority mission of a Civil Diplomat.
This article is the result of the effort and an initiative by Jethro Civil Diplomat to clarify the concept of Civil Diplomacy for society and humanitarian actors.
Who is the Humanitarian Civil Diplomat?
A Civil Humanitarian Diplomat is a person who is involved in humanitarian work. But what characterizes humanitarian activity?
According to UN General Assembly resolutions (46/182 and 58/114), humanitarian activity is: delivering life-saving assistance to those in need, without any adverse distinction.
The Humanitarian principles are endorsed by the UN and distinguish them from other activities, for example, those of a political, religious, ideological, or military nature.
You can follow more about Jethro’s Civil Diplomat actions here.
Humanitarian Civil Diplomat in Europe
According to the European Commission and the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, the humanitarian principles are:
- Humanity: means that human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found, with particular attention to the most vulnerable.
- Neutrality: means that humanitarian aid must not favor any side in an armed conflict or other dispute.
- Impartiality: means that humanitarian aid must be provided solely based on need, without discrimination.
- Independence: means the autonomy of humanitarian objectives from political, economic, military, or other objectives.
The humanitarian principles facilitates access and acceptance and helps humanitarian workers carry out their work.
How can I be a Civil Diplomat? Follow this link to submit your biography.
Why Civil Diplomats Use Badges and Credentials?
The Badge and Credential identify the Civil Diplomat as a humanitarian actor before society, government authorities, and security forces.
The Badge and Credential identify humanitarian actors and are mandatory for use by the 2005 Protocol (III) in addition to the 1949 Geneva Convention.
States must guide government authorities, security forces, and the population on humanitarian activities and respect the work of Civil Diplomats.
The Humanitarian Civil Diplomat Jethro
Currently, Jethro International expands the concept of Humanitarian Civil Diplomacy.
In this way, Humanitarian Civil Diplomat Jethro is a person who, in addition to carrying out his occupational activity, also expresses his humanitarian side.
In this sense, he can be an ambassador, he can be a teacher, he can be a businessman, he can be an artist, etc…
The difference is that in addition to carrying out his daily activities, he is interested in and promotes local activities in his community in response to the social and humanitarian demands of that community.
In other words, it expands its activity by proposing humanitarian initiatives wherever it lives and whatever it does.
Humanitarian Principles for the European Union
According to the article, the humanitarian principles at the European Consensus on Humanitarian were signed in December 2007 by the Council of the EU, the European Parliament, and the European Commission.
Together with the Humanitarian Aid Regulation, the Consensus sets the specific nature and mandate of humanitarian aid: it is provided solely based on needs, in line with the principles of good humanitarian donorship.
EU humanitarian aid is not influenced by any political, strategic, military, or economic objective.
In EU the humanitarian assistance will continue to promote and strengthen effective humanitarian civil-military coordination so that humanitarian space is safeguarded.
Civil Diplomat in the USA, LATAM and African countries
Some countries do not have specific legislation for humanitarian work that follows the guidelines of International Humanitarian Law.
This is the case in the USA, LATAM, and African countries.
Thus, in these countries, the activities of Civil Diplomacy and also the Red Cross are under the coverage of the International Humanitarian Law seeking for access for humanitarian relief to Civilians in need.
The International Humanitarian Law is also known as the law of war or the law of armed conflict and began in the 19th century.
century and is a set that also safeguards the activity of International Chaplaincy.
These rules strike a careful balance between humanitarian concerns and the military requirements of States, governing relations between States, and applying to armed conflicts.
The International Humanitarian Law at the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols of 1977 (I) and (2) relating to the protection of the victims of armed conflicts.
International humanitarian law protects those who do not take part in the fighting, such as civilians and medical and religious military personnel.
It also protects those who have ceased to take part, such as wounded, shipwrecked, and sick combatants, and prisoners of war.
These categories of person are entitled to respect for their lives and their physical and mental integrity.
They also enjoy legal guarantees. They must be protected and treated humanely in all circumstances, with no adverse distinction.
About the Author: Mrs. Claudia Pontes Freire, a Humanitarian Civil Diplomat at Jethro International and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Center of Culture and Communication (CECC) of Católica University of Lisbon.
Related links:
European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid
International Humanitarian Law
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